Diana Patchett — Mar 14, 2019

As we look forward to welcoming prospective families to our Open Day on Monday, I must share what a delight it has been to connect with our own community in regional centres over the past few weeks. The strength and depth of our extended family never ceases to amaze me, as St Margaret’s College Old Girls and families revel in the opportunity to come together.

Our recent events in Sumner, Wanaka and Blenheim were all well attended, and I enjoyed building my institutional knowledge with the fabulous stories shared of times gone by. Some of the incredible reminiscences of our Old Girls around the region include being gated for whistling in the Kilburn House corridor, the ferocity of Molly Mullan (Principal 1964-79) and her determination to grow the Sciences, as well as Boarding Matrons smoking at the dinner table!

We are proud to be welcoming more and more third and fourth generation St Margaret’s girls to the school and, while each generation will have had a very different SMC experience, there is a common denominator that brings them back. It is the sense of family, of belonging to something with shared purpose and a strong moral compass.

Throughout our history, the spirit of St Margaret’s appears ever-present. Across the generations, there has always been a sense of optimism, seeing opportunities in place of obstacles, looking beyond our own circumstances to serve others less fortunate than ourselves, celebrating endeavour equally with achievement and aiming to be the best we can be - both in the world and for the world.

At the heart of it all, St Margaret’s College is a family that values each girl for the gifts and talents she brings, that provides a safe place for her to take on new challenges and empowers her to live and lead. On Monday, we look forward to opening our gates and introducing the next generation of St Margaret’s students to our family.