Hero photograph

Winchester Street


Things were going really well for a while on Winchester Street and thank you all those who are helping keep traffic flowing. However, the sheer volumes at the end of each school day remain more than the small street can cope with.

To help alleviate some of the pressure for everyone, please may we request the following:

  • Please DO NOT EVER park over our neighbours' driveways. This causes great distress on a daily basis for local residents - it is also illegal!
  • If possible, please drop off and pick up students on Andover Street, Merivale Lane or other nearby streets and have them to walk the final few metres
  • Please respect the car park adjacent to Maggie's is reserved for Pre-School and Year 1-4 Junior School parents from 2:30pm onwards. For the safety of these young families, only those with a pass are permitted to park there.
  • Please don't stop in the middle of the road to let students in or out of the car - it causes immediate congestion and frayed tempers!
  • In keeping with our commitment to the environment, where practical bike, walk, scoot or bus to and from school.

Many thanks in advance for your help in making 3:30pm a better time on Winchester Street for everyone.