Sports News

Congratulations to Mrs Sheldon, who ran seven lamp posts after being inspired by Mrs Simcock’s daily fitness routine. However, Mrs Sheldon thought “7” meant lamp posts, but it meant kilometres for Mrs Simcock. Fitness is all about your perspective!

Mrs Eastwick is our inspiration at this time by running her pilates classes, even if it does only have one participant. Her daughter Pippa is keeping up with her mum!

Daily walks for the rest of us ensure that we take breaks from our unusually high screen time during the lockdown. For me, I have deleted every fitness app, blocked all social media fitness feeds (as the pressure to conform was too much) and relaxed into strolling around the neighbourhood with Roger, the dog. He is a great fitness coach pulling me along!

It was great to see the many photos shared with me of girls out and about catching a break with their wacky hairdo!