Sport News

Our Year 5 and 6 Basketball team played in the Canterbury Primary Schools Basketball Tournament on Monday 16th August, against some of the best girls’ teams in Canterbury.

This was a new experience for all involved, with short, high-intensity games and new rules. The girls had a great day, with some challenging opposition. A huge thank you to Olivia Thorn, our coach and all of the parents who came along to support the girls during the day.

Term 4 Mini League Basketball
We are looking to enter a team for our year 3 and 4’s in Term 4. This competition runs for six weeks and is an introduction to basketball. The games are all held at the Bishopdale YMCA and run on Thursdays anytime from 3.30 pm - 7 pm. All games go for half an hour. We have three very interested players but need at least four more girls to make a team. Please email me at: if your daughter is interested or you have any questions.