St Paul's Collegiate School — Sep 8, 2020

A mufti day will be held on 16 September, with all proceeds going towards St John Ambulance, in remembrance of Mrs Sally Wootton.

As a school community, over the past week we have mourned the passing of Mrs Sally Wootton who was a staunch supporter of our school over almost 3 decades as a parent of three sons who were educated at our school and as a Board of Trustees member; involved in the creation and establishment of the school shop.

Mrs Wootton”s funeral will be held at 11 am on Thursday 17th September in the chapel of Christ the King and the school will be asked to perform our Haka in recognition of her incredible support of our school over the many years.

Mrs Wootton was also a Priory Board member of St John Ambulance, New Zealand’s frontline medical emergency service and she recently suggested that the school might have a mufti day to support their work, the funding of which is made up of 25% public donations.

Therefore, next Wednesday there will be a school mufti day in support of St John Ambulance. The minimum donation to wear our mufti is $5 per person. This will be collected at roll call on the Wednesday morning. The suggested colour is green to recognise of course the uniform that is worn by the front line staff of St John Ambulance.
Many thanks everyone for your support of this incredible service that we will all use at some point in our lives and for your support of the Wootton whanau.