Service Awards announced for 2020
A recent assembly acknowledged and celebrated the mission, outreach and service portfolio at St Paul's.
Student leaders were recognised for their significant and exemplary leadership and commitment to the service programs. They were awarded service badges, service ties and the ultimate accolade, service colours. The following report was read in the assembly:
Year 11’s
During 2020 a number of students from the Year 11 group have made a regular and impressive commitment to assisting young refugees from the Refugee Orientation Centre with a range of activities including their academic studies. From their ranks, a number of the students have made a significant commitment beyond that which was originally expected. The following students have assisted on a regular weekly basis and in some cases more than once or even twice/3 times a week giving a huge amount of personal time to the service program at the Refugee Centres.
The following students are awarded a 2020 service badge and tie for their exemplary student leadership:
Daniel Williams
Zoe Chapman
Sam White
Sam Peoples
Emily Jin
Seetharam Jandhyal
Stella Hamilton
Joanna Li
Year 12’s
World Vision 40 Hour Famine
Drake Walther was nominated for a service award for his significant personal commitment to Clark House’s fundraising campaign during the 2020 World Vision 40 Hour Famine this year. For his mature and compassionate approach to this appeal Drake is awarded a service tie and pin.
The Community Fridge
During the course of the year, student leaders from the International Department have made a significant contribution to the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank. Despite the challenges of lockdown, the International Department staff and students have raised over $1000 and provided dozens of boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables to those struggling with food insecurity in our city. For their leadership and exemplary commitment to the St Paul’s Community Fridge, now in its third year, the following students are awarded service ties and pins:
Michealia (Jiayi) Gui
Stark Sun
Ben Littlejohn
The Serve & Waikato Hospital Service
During 2020 Andrew Yip has been a regular supporter of The Serve and the Waikato Hospital Chaplaincy service programs. For his commitment to providing hot meals to those who are either homeless or living with food insecurity in our region and at the hospital with patient transfer on Sunday mornings, Andrew is awarded a service tie and pin.
Year 13’s
Flame Boarders Charity Relay
Despite the huge challenges created by the long lock-down in the earlier part of the year, it was decided to proceed with the Flame Boarders Charity Relay in May this year. The event was a huge success with participation from all students in the boarding community. As a result over $16,000 was raised through sponsorship to support the work of the Flame charity in Cambodia. This incredible fundraising, so soon after lockdown, ensured the vital work of Flames Mobile classroom could continue its work in the slums of Phnom Penh in Cambodia for another year. The success of the event itself and the fundraising initiative was only made possible through the incredible commitment of two students. For their organisation of the 2020 Charity Relay, service ties and pins are awarded to:
Tiaki Rhodes
Greta Simpson
Lockdown, Gala & Art Club Leadership
An unusual year such as 2020 requires unusual leadership. As a school we were blessed with the student leadership of David Koshy and Phoebe McColgan. During the lockdown their sterling efforts motivated the community and encouraged us with numerous SoulFood videos. In addition, they have both been remarkable colleagues in the planning of today’s school Gala, each contributing a huge amount of time and effort towards its hoped for success. Phoebe has also been involved with the management and operation of the St Joans Hospital Art Club. For this leadership David and Phoebe are awarded service ties and pins.
For almost 5 years this student has given exemplary service to the life of the Chapel of Christ the King and the Chapel IT Team. Through his considerable expertise in all things IT and for his support of junior students, Service Colours for 2020 are awarded to:
Lachlan Coleman
This has been immersed in all aspects of service this year. He has been active with The Serve, Hospital Chaplaincy and has led the Chapel team with great enthusiasm and leadership. He has not only been an exemplary chapel prefect but he has spent many hours caring for the building which lies at the heart of our school and assisting with all events in such. For his services to the chapel and service Service Colours for 2020 are awarded to:
Luke Finlayson
This student has been a remarkable advocate for the service programs of the school during 2020 as co-leader of the service portfolio. She has worked with Mr Neethling to coordinate the Over The Fence ministry program during this challenging year, has fundraised tirelessly all year for Flame Cambodia and has made a significant contribution to the organisation of this year's community Gala. For her contribution to service this year and indeed over many years, Service Colours for 2020 are awarded to:
Sophie Stocker
This student has been active in the service programs of the school for over three years. A service leader in year 11, a recipient of service tie and badge last year and this year co leader of the service portfolio. He has consistently displayed the qualities of a St Pauls servant leader and has been an inspiring role model in this area. He has been an organiser and a motivator, managing the St Joan‘s Ukulele Club and also been involved with Hospital Chaplaincy, The Serve feeding programme and the 40 hour famine. His successful leadership in the organisation of the 40 hour Famine saw over $10,000 being raised, doubling the highest previous record in this area set in 2008. For his remarkable contributions to service during 2020 Service Colours are awarded to:
Ben Scanlon
This student has had an awesome year as co leader of the service programmes. Dedicated, organised and highly motivated, she has led the portfolio with distinction. She has managed The Serve and Hospital Chaplaincy programmes, been involved with Gala organisation and was co-leader of the World Vision 40hour famine initiative that this year saw all previous records being broken with over $10,000 being raised by students. For her remarkable servant leadership, Service Colours for 2020 are awarded to:
Kaley Caulfield
The following members of staff have made a very significant personal commitment to the service programs of the school during 2020:
Chris Foot
Kerry Allen
Nicole Schollum
Carl Neethling
Mel Simmonds
Helen Bradford
Matt Hewett
Michelle Smith
Chris Warner
Helen Richardson
Angela Bromwich
Mr Neethling has been an exemplary leader of the Over the Fence ministry program, inspiring students and staff alike. He has been an excellent communicator and liaison person with our partnered primary schools.
Mr Foot has led the program for the Refugee Orientation Centre Trust now for over four years. He has been an incredible support to our students and also to the staff of the Refugee Centre trust itself. He can be regularly seen transporting students during his own time and has been an inspirational leader.
Mrs Helen Richardson has been the coordinator of the Community Fridge Project and has motivated the international students to fundraise for and subsequently supply the Hamilton Christian Foodbank with a regular weekly supply fresh fruit and vegetables. Mrs Richardson personal commitment to this project has provided for many hundreds of families in need over the year.
Mrs Allen, Ms Simmonds and Miss Schollum have all made significant personal commitments to the Refugee Centre Trust program and we thank them for their provision of regular transport to and from Frampton twice a week.
Chef Warner prepares 60 two course dinners for The Serve every month in his own time and often enables students to assist him in the kitchen, each learning significant food preparation skills as a result. Thank you Chef Warner.
Mrs Bromwich, Mr Hewett, Mrs Bradford & Mrs Smith all assist with The Serve project. Transporting and supervising students, delivering and serving meals, these staff members, like so many others, give of their own time to ensure the success of our involvement with this project.