Hero photograph

Body Food

Josh Hay —

We want our students to stay active in their time of isolation … so we have a challenge for them. A house competition challenge.

The challenge is for students to use the letters of their name, a teacher’s surname and their parent’s name to complete a series of exercises to earn between 10 and 30 points for their house.

Alphabet Exercises

The challenge sheet, which has been distributed to all students, identifies what exercises are associated with each letter of the alphabet. When the exercises that spell out each of the letters from the names chosen by student are complete, that day's challenge is done. Each exercise takes around 45 seconds with a 15 second rest. 

Additional points can be earned by adding a 1, 2 or 3 km run. Students could complete their alphabet exercises in the morning and have a run in the afternoon. Bonus points can be also be achieved by completing the warm down exercises.

To ensure students' points are included in the house competition, each student must submit a time lapse video of themselves completing their Isolation Exercise Challenge and send to isolationchallenge@stpauls.school.nz

When students submit their videos, they must include the following:

  • Student name
  • Student house
  • The surname of the teacher the student chooses to alphabet exercise to
  • The name of your parent the student chooses to alphabet exercise to

Remember, no video – no house points.

Students can tune into Alby King’s BodyFood every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:45pm. These are the times our students would have had after school sports practice. These times and dates have been entered into all students' calendars - they simply log onto the Google Meet Live session. Here, Alby will give further instructions on how to complete the challenge and provide students with updates on how the house competition points are tracking.

Let's help our students stay active.