St Paul's Collegiate School — Jun 3, 2021

Following the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing regatta in March, four St Paul’s students were chosen by Rowing NZ to trial for the North vs South U18 squad.

It was here that head boy Matthew Waddell was selected for the New Zealand Junior Squad. 

After an outstanding performance at the trials in April, he was named in the 2021 New Zealand Under 19 Men’s Eight Crew.

“I was super stoked to be chosen for a New Zealand Junior trial after a successful season at Maadi. To be selected for the NZ U19 Men’s Eight and to have the chance to wear the Silver Fern for the first time is certainly a dream come true,” says Matthew.

The New Zealand Junior squad will train and race together throughout winter but unfortunately, they won’t be travelling overseas to compete as was done pre-Covid unless they make the Final Olympic Qualification Regatta or the Tokyo Olympic Games.