Mr Robson leading the Junior Prizegiving
Photo by Sarah Tafuna
Junior Prizegiving
The junior school gathered to celebrate the 2021 academic, sporting and cultural achievements in the Chapel of Christ the King on Thursday 2 December. A lovely occasion after months of no congregating due to Covid-19 restrictions. Congratulations to all prize winners!
St Paul's Award for Year 9 and the Lander Family Trophy - Roy Zhu:
- Roy Zhu has been awarded the Lander Trophy as being the top Year 9 student who has excelled in all areas of life. This young man is undoubtedly talented in many areas. He is the recipient of the Chikako Komaki Piano Scholarship, he gained his junior colours for music, he competed in the Big Sing competition and performed in the school musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. Roy is also a member of the junior debating team, a semi-finalist in the Epro8 Challenge and was awarded the Junior Practical Science Trophy. He competed in the Waikato Secondary Schools Swimming Championships and is a member of the Football Colts XI A team.
Junior Manukura Ariki - Kalen Lake
- The Junior Manukura Ariki is the Maaori Academic Excellence award and has been awarded to Kalen Lake.
John van Grootel Memorial Trophy - Paul Davey
- Awarded for outstanding diligence and persistence in the junior school lower band. Paul is a delightful, well mannered young man and has given his best to all aspects of school life, performing well above expectations. In the classroom he embraces every opportunity to learn and has gained both subject and class placings. He makes a significant contribution to sport including U14 rugby, cricket and athletics. He is also a member of the St Paul's Young Farmers Club.
Kansal Trophy for Resilience in the Junior School - Gil Brooker
- Gil has been awarded the Kansal Trophy for demonstrating outstanding determination and resilience. He embraces the opportunities available at school and has worked with determination and diligence through a challenging year. His achievements are a result of a positive attitude, hard work and purpose. He is part of the Colts Cricket winning team and a member of the Premier Adventure Racing Team.
Boys Cup - Jackson Norris
- Jackson has been awarded the Boys Cup as the most improved junior musician.
Flint-Parsons Trophy - Eric Joe and Zane Merson
- Eric and Joe have both been awarded the Flint-Parsons Trophy as the pair have been considered the most improved concert band players.
Gilbert Family Trophy - Ollie Mouat
- Ollie has been awarded the Gilbert Family Trophy as the Junior Sportsperson of the Year. Ollie holds the New Zealand 50m butterfly record, was selected for the New Zealand age group quad, placed first in the 50m and 100m butterfly at the New Zealand Age Group Championships and placed first in the 50m and 100m butterfly at the Waikato Championships.
Johnson Family Junior Oratory Cup - Charlie Etherington
- Charlie was awarded the Johnson Family Junior Oratory Cup for his Year 9 speech. Charlie is also awarded colours for his speech and waterpolo.
Mortimer Prize - Will Hadley
- Will Hadley has been awarded the Mortimer Prize as the most outstanding student at Tihoi, Intake 2021/2
Seton Prize - Dylan Gardiner
- Dylan has been awarded the Seton Prize at the most outstanding student at Tihoi, Intake 2021/1.
Murray Harington Cup - Dylan Cooke
- Dylan has been awarded the Murray Harington Cup as a student who has shown real development at Tihoi 2021/2.
The Pavlovich Cup - Jimmy Ma
- Jimmy has been awarded the Pavlovich Cup as a student who has shown real development at Tihoi 2021/1.
Year 9 Junior Academic Prize Winners
- Bruno Cropper, Max Gurnick, Dale Plimmer and Sam Schulze - Industry Award
- Daniel Dawbin - Art
- Oscar Walsdorf - Digital innovation
- Campbell Soanes - Drama (shared)
- Ryan Ingram - French
- Willem Groenendijk - Materials technology
- Paul Davey - Religious education
- Manaia Snow - Te Reo Maaori
- Ryle Chan - Spanish and third in science
- Aidan Hodgson - English and third in digital innovation
- Li Hang Cao - Mathematics and second in social studies
- Jay Benefield - Physical education and second in Te Reo Maaori
- Sean Lester - Social studies and second in Spanish (shared)
- William Rushbrooke - Science (shared), second in digital innovation and third in English
- Eric Joe - Design and visual communication, second in music, third in art and third in French
- Roy Zhu - Drama (shared), English (shared), music, science (shared), second in mathematics and third in social studies
Year 10 Junior Academic Prize Winners
- Liam Fairweather, Tri Phan, Jacob Porteous and Cristiano Sarich - Industry Award
- George Adamson - Digital innovation
- Sam Fletcher - Drama
- Jake Dewar - French (shared)
- Jamie Kenny - French (shared)
- Kade Slade - Materials technology
- Jackson Norris - Music
- Liam Inman - Physical education
- Johnny van Leeuwen - Spanish
- Salesi Tauaika - Te Reo Maaori
- Isaac Albery - Mathematics (shared) and third in French
- Jackson Bird - Art and second in Te Reo Maaori (shared)
- Dylan Gardiner - Design and visual communication, second in English (shared) and second in physical education
- Kechen (Jim) Lin - Mathematics (shared) and science
- Joshua Toon - English, social studies and third in mathematics
Year 9 Colours and Core Class Awards
- Joel Aitchison: First in class - mathematics
- Eddie Bell: First in class - physical education
- Jay Benefield: First in class physical education and cricket colours
- Ashwin Bhorker: Second in subject - Spanish (shared)
- Riley Binnie: Second in class - physical education
- Jozef Blank: Third in class - mathematics
- Toby Bowler: Third in class - English, science and social studies
- Campbell Boyd: Second in class - mathematics and science
- Blake Buchanan: Third in class - science
- Psalm Cameron: Third in class - English and social studies
- Li Hang Cao: First in class - mathematics and social studies
- Ryle Chan: Third in class - science and social studies
- Adam Chapman: Third in subject - mathematics and third in class - mathematics
- David Chen: First in class - mathematics (shared)
- Boston Clark: Third in class - physical education
- Samuel Clausen: First in class - English (shared)
- Bruno Cropper: Second in subject - religious education, first in class - English and science, second in class - physical education and social studies
- Paul Davey: Second in class - social studies (shared) and third in class - physical education
- Quinn Davidson-Green: First in class - social studies
- Daniel Dawbin: Third in class - physical education
- Judah Downing: First in class - English and science
- Drew Ellison: First in class - physical education
- Charlie Etherington: Third in class - physical education
- Jonty Falconer: First in class - mathematics and second in class - science
- Sam Forward: Third in class - physical education and adventure racing colours
- Ben Foster: Second in class - mathematics and third in class - physical education
- Logan Froggatt: Third in class - English, science and social studies
- Noah Gardiner: First in class - English (shared) and physical education, second in class - mathematics, science and social studies (shared)
- Max Gurnick: First in class - English, second in class - physical education and athletics colours
- Aidan Hodgson: First in class - English (shared)
- Austin Jin: Second in subject - design and visual communication, second in class - mathematics
- Arthur Keidann: Third in subject - digital innovation (shared), first in class English, second in class - science and social studies
- AJ Lake: Second in class - physical education
- Sean Lester: First in class - mathematics (shared), science and social studies. Second in class - social studies
- Benjamin Lou: Third in subject - physical education, second in class - physical education, third in class - English, mathematics and social studies
- George MacDonald: Second in class - physical education
- Bailey Mackwood: First in class - physical education and third in class - science
- Theo Maling: First in class - social studies (shared) and second in class - English
- Hamish Meehan: First in class - mathematics and social studies and second in class - science
- Zane Merson: Second in class - English and social studies, third in class - mathematics
- Joseph Minkhorst: Second in class - English
- Lachlan Mollard: Third in subject - materials technology
- James Nguyen: First in class - physical education
- Harry Parham: First in class - social studies (shared) and second in class - mathematics
- Williams Peoples: Second in class - English and social studies
- Dale Plimmer: Third in subject - drama, music and religious studies
- Thomas Purdie: Cycling colours
- Finn Rayner: Third in class - mathematics
- Kaden Robinson: Second in subject - materials technology and physical education and first in class - physical education
- Toby Robinson: Third in class - English
- William Rushbrooke: First in class - science and third in class - English
- Samuel Schulze: Second in subject - art, first in class - mathematics and science, second in class - physical education and third in class English
- Fletcher Sefton: Third in class - science
- Campbell Soanes: Third in class - physical education
- Harry Stevenson: First in class - English and second in class - science
- Liam Stiles: Second in subject - French
- Troy Stirling: First in class - science and social studies
- Matt Taylor: Third in subject - design and visual communication, first in class - science and social studies and second in class - mathematics
- Cameron Ward: Second in class - social studies (shred) and third in class science
- Elkin Wilson: Third in class - mathematics
- Johnson Yang: First in class - mathematics
- Roy Zhu: First in class - English (shared) and second in class - mathematics, science and social studies
Tihoi Intake 1 Graduation and Core Class Awards
- Isaac Albery: First in class - mathematics
- Joshua Alexander: Second in subject - music and first in class - English (shared) and social studies
- Thomas Allen
- Callum Baker: Second in class - English and science, third in physical education
- Jackson Bird: Second in class - science (shared)
- Rayner Bonnington: First in class - mathematics, science and social studies
- Kydon Boot
- Josh Boswell
- Hugo Buck
- Edward Buckley
- Eason Cho: Third in class - mathematics
- Fraser Clegg
- Riley Collingwood
- Fred Cory
- Jon Davey
- Luc Davies
- Cortlan Davis-Havill: Third in subject materials technology and second in class - physical education
- Sohl Davis-Strangwick: Second in class - physical education
- Lucah De Roo: Third in subject - physical education, first in class - physical education and football colours
- Liam Fairweather: Second in subject - English (shared) and social studies (shared), third in subject - music (shared), second in class - English (shared) and social studies (shared)
- Samson Ferrar: Adventure racing - colours