St Paul's Collegiate School — May 28, 2019

It has been 40 years since the opening of Tihoi Venture School. We want to celebrate with the pioneers who were brave enough to open the school amongst the blackberry bush and broken windows.

We invite the students who enrolled at Tihoi in 1979, 1980 and 1981* to attend along with directors and original staff. If you or someone you know of was a Tihoi pioneer, be sure to reserve the Saturday 14 September in your diary. 

Saturday 14 September 2019

10:15am - Meet at Tihoi Venture School for whakatau and unveiling of commemorative carving (a courtesy bus will leave Taupo at 9:30 am for those who may wish to stay in Taupo)

10:30am - Morning tea

11:15am - Tours

12:30pm - Lunch

1:15pm - Activities including a bush walk or high ropes

3:30pm - Speeches and stories, canapes and drinks

4:00pm - Bus return to Taupo for partners

5:30pm - Dinner

8:00pm - Bus returns to Taupo. Times are a guideline and may slightly change as we get closer to the event.

Ticket prices

Collegians: $80

Collegian and partner: $135 (partner to attend the morning and lunch)

Purchase your tickets today!

*Due to numbers, we can not open the day to other Tihoi graduates at this stage. After 1 June, we will assess ticket sales, and if numbers permit, we will invite 1982 and 1983 attendees also. Partners of attendees may attend daytime activities but will not be able to stay for the dinner due to venue size.