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Max Makeham co-ordinating Jump Jam classes

Max leads Jump Jam session in his street

St Paul's Collegiate School —

Max Makeham's Jump Jam sessions are now well attended by neighbours in his street.

During lockdown, Max was aware many young people on his street wanted something fun to do to break up their week. He understood parents were finding it difficult to keep their young ones entertained so Max set up a 'Jump Jam' session at the end of his driveway. He set out cones and arranged 'bubbles' to be sprayed on the road to ensure participants kept their two-metre distance.

Max has run the Jump Jam sessions for the past two Saturdays and plans to continue this until the lockdown is over. 

According to neighbour Jo Keough, "this has been well received by all the neighbours and I commend him on thinking of others during the lockdown."

Great initiative, Max! You are making a great contribution to community spirit and well-being.