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Great results from Otago Junior Mathematics Competition

St Paul's Collegiate School —

Ninety-four Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 St Paul’s students participated in their respective year levels, attempting to answer up to six questions in a time limit of one hour, in the Otago Junior Mathematics Competition.

The competition was held on 4 April in the dining room annex. Given the challenging nature of the questions, and the emphasis on problem solving and full worked solutions, only the most able students stand a chance of completing all questions correctly in the timeframe allowed.

Nationally, this competition attracts over 10,000 entries each year from about 250 participating schools. This year, based on the officially released results, six St Paul’s students have excelled, and have been awarded certificates from the University of Otago in recognition of their superb efforts.

Congratulations go to:

Year 9 Ranking

Max Fletcher Merit – top 15%

Logan Orsler Merit – top 15%

Jack Simmonds Top 200

Dylan Fletcher Top 100

Year 11 Ranking

Lucas Goodwin Top 200

Ben Littlejohn Top 200