St Paul's Collegiate School — Aug 4, 2020

This year St Paul’s held its inaugural “St Paul’s Got Talent” event on the last day of Term 2.

Like every aspect of life this year, opportunities for our performers and artists have been drastically reduced and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown and consequent cancellation of all major events. Ensembles and musicians don’t have a game to prepare for each Saturday; instead we have things like the annual school production which last year for example involved around 80 people; we get one or two festivals or competitions such as the National Concert Band Festival or Big Sing that draws participation from a region or the whole country – to be exact, the Big Sing receives between 400-500 choir entries each year. If the average choir is 30 people, that makes 15,000 people affected from that competition alone.

The Talent Show was a way of creating an opportunity for the outstanding artistic talent that we boast at St Paul’s to be showcased and fill in some of these holds that Covid has left. I want to acknowledge our Head Girl, Phoebe McColgan for initially having the idea in the first place and thank sincerely all of the arts team and Mr Lander for embracing the idea so enthusiastically and making it all happen at the end of last term. Although they made it seem easy, a huge amount of thought and effort went into the organisation.

There were 25 audition entries, which the Arts Prefects led by Veronica and Dion listened to and finalised into ten finalists which we all heard on the last day of term. I have to say, putting themselves out there and being vulnerable on a stage in front of this school is a tough ask, much harder in some ways than playing for a prestigious performance on a world stage. I was amazed at the courage of all ten final acts and astonished by the calibre of their performances. They all deserve commending. However, our esteemed judging panel: Chef Chris Warner, Miss Jarna Old, Mr Bruce Rawson and Mr Peter Gilbert, had only three prizes to award. In third place, Year 9 Sam Kansal; in second place, Year 11 Riley Rolton, and in first place, with a $300 prize, Year 10 Seumas Eade. A particular highlight of the event was a memorable rendition of “Camp Fire Songs” performed by Jack Caldwell, Marcus Rodgers and Jimmy Barker. These gentlemen gained the well-deserved, “People’s Choice Award” of $50.

A huge thank you to the whole school for supporting “St Paul’s Got Talent” and finishing Term 2 on such a positive buzz.