Quinton Turner — Jun 4, 2020

Ms Schollum's Year 9 science class was asked to make a presentation on NZ organisms that looks at their adaptations. This stand presentation by Quinton Turner's is a rap about Maui Dolphins.

Maui Dolphins

I choose Maui dolphins because they're the best

But they keep dying from some lazy human pests

You can locate them in the 2.8.1

On the west coast, shores is where it all began

We fish all their food so they're left in hunger

So every year they start dying younger and younger

They die commonly from massive fishing nets

It suffocates there gills like burning cigarettes

They're the rarest native animal in Aotearoa

Their time in this world is nearly over

There max lifespan is around 20 years

Their life is shorter than a brown bear's

The structural adaptations for these dolphins

Is that they can basically conserve oxygen

It uses their own blowhole to breathe

It swims at the same time just with eeze

Did you know that they're the smallest species of their kind

You probably already knew their bodies are streamlined

They have a pretty cool behavioral adaptation

It's were their family forms a pod formation

It’s apparently a form of communication

So they all know they’re in the same location

The physiological adaptation for these rare fishes heap

Is that their brain is half awake when they are asleep

That concludes my Maui dolphin rap

Ok I think I deserve a well-rested nap.