Hero photograph
Catering Manager Chris Warner (left) working alongside senior chef Roy Lacey to prepare meals for hungry teens.

Satisfying hungry teens

Freddy Walker —

Meet St Paul’s catering manager, Chris Warner. He and his kitchen staff prepare over 1500 meals a day to satisfy hungry teens.

Chef Warner studied History of Art at Oxford University, but wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his degree once completed, so worked with a family friend in a restaurant in the south of France. It was there he discovered his love for food. He moved to New Zealand in 2006 and has worked at St Paul’s as our catering manager since.

Chef Warner wakes up at 3.30am every morning, takes his dog for a walk and is in the kitchen at 4.30am planning the day. He leaves at 4.30pm most days unless he needs to stay for a function.

While preparing such large volumes of food every day is a challenge, Chris also sees this as the biggest reward in his role. He is seen every day in the dining room serving food to students and staff.

“It’s the people - I love seeing my staff learn and grow, and seeing the smiling faces of both students and staff enjoying my food. That is what I love most about my job.”