by St Paul's Collegiate School

Fitchett family return to St Paul's

A moving Chapel service and ceremony was held to bless the Fithcett candlestand with the Fitchett family in attendance.

On Sunday 27 June, the blessing of the Fitchett family candlestand took place during the chapel service led by Fitchett House. The candlestand was made by Jim Fitchett with timber donated by his brother, Foundation student Peter Fitchett (School 1959-1960). Collegian Michael Fitchett (School 1960-1961) and sister, Patricia Brown also attended the blessing.

Their father was Dr Marcus Fitchett, founder of the school.

The marble used in the candlestand was hand-carved between 1675 and 1710 and was dislodged during the Blitz in 1940. It was then brought over with Marcus from St Paul’s Cathedral London in 1958 and donated to the School.