Hero photograph
Photo by Amy-Rae Rooijackers

Blue Light Camp

Catherine Baldock —

On Monday 17th July, Gavin Perkin (Year 12) flew to Christchurch for a Blue Light Camp held at Burnham Military Camp. This was a one-week live-in experiential learning camp which is run in partnership with the New Zealand Defence Force. The camp focuses on leadership training, practical skills, self-confidence, and leaderless tasks.

For Gavin, the highlights of the camp were the visit to the Antarctic Centre, the Adrenalin Forest (High Wire Adventure Park) the daily marching and the mountain biking. Reflecting back on the experience, Gavin acknowledges that this opportunity has provided him with self-discipline and practical skills such as immaculate bed making and doing his own washing!

St Peter’s College and Gavin are very grateful to the Community Connector Funding obtained through Connected Eastern Southern for their generous financial support and to the Blue Light Charity for providing these camps.