Hero photograph
Photo by Suzi de Gouveia

Keeping Our Kids Safe Online

Suzi de Gouveia —

This evening, 6 for 6.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m.

Child care will be provided at school for those of you who are unable to find baby sitters.  Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available for you as you enter the hall.

On arrival you will receive a new St. Teresa’s School Cyber Smart and Internet Agreement Form for each of your children.  These will be laid out in year groups.  Please collect the documents for your own child/ren and take the time to read over it before Robb's presentation begins.  A copy will be available on the school website for you to refer to in the future.

Robb's presentation will be engaging and educational for every single one of us and, together with our new understandings, we will keep our children safe online.   This is a communal task!

At the end of the presentation, teachers will collect the signed agreements from you.

On Tuesday morning, the teachers will go through the agreements with the children, who will sign them once they understand the seriousness of this policy.

As soon as the signed agreement is filed with the office, the children in Years 5 - 8 will be issued with an i-pad or Macbook laptop for their own use while at school.  This will enable us to more carefully track individual student usage.  These devices will be connected to the school internet via the new password which will be in place from Tuesday.

Any phones that are brought to school are to be handed in at the office on arrival and collected at the end of the day.  There is absolutely no need for any child to use a phone during the school day, but I understand that you feel better having access to them on their way to and from school.  

I am looking forward to seeing everyone later today.
