Hero photograph
Photo by Kath Joblin

Why you should have more that one language?

Kath Joblin —

Hi, Konnichiwa, Aloha, Ni hao, Kamusta, Bonjour, Namaste, Ciao, Hola, ok I think you guys get the point now, I’m Max and I entered this room because I need you to believe that you should have a second language.

Did you know that there are like around 7000 languages and most of us here only know one! Wow! Research tells us 80 percent of New Zealanders speak one language. I’m here to try and make you part of the 20% unless you already have a second language. I recommend not listening, But for us, let's get on with my reasons.

My uno reason is that it improves your memory, ok when I say it improves your memory I mean it because study shows having a second language has an impact on white matter, if you don’t know what white matter is white matter is a system of nerve fibers which connect all four lobes of the brain, this system coordinates communication between the different brain regions helping your brain learn and function and if you didn't understand that lets just say it helps your memory.

My Rua reason it really makes your travel a lot more fun, imagine with your big brain that you’re going to Spain and can’t speak Spanish and someone asks “como estas” which means how are you, “WHAT?!” your brain says, “WHAT IN THE WORLD DID HE JUST SAY!?” Your brain is melting on what he just said. You don’t know what he just said, imagine that, imagine how awkward that would be but imagine if you could speak Spanish it would have been a lot better, right? So let that sink in while we move on to my next reason.

My final reason is that having a second language changes your perspective,

Because research shows as a language learner, you’ll not only become a more conscious think and listener who can communicate clearly and think creatively, but you’ll also gain the most significant benefit of multilingualism, and what that means is if you learn a second language it means it will be easier to learn a third. It will also open a new world to another persons culture just like what Federico Fellini says “A different language is a different version of life.”

Thank you for listening to an amazing speech. Take my speech into something you’ll think twice about and consider maybe I should learn another language maybe that cool dude Max was right, and can you guys and girls repeat after me, ready…? Are you sure? Ok. ‘I SHOULD LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE!!!’

‘I SHOULD USE DUOLINGO! Nice job y’all, and if you don’t know what Duolingo is, it’s a educational language app that's really good! But anyway!

Thank you all… again, but before I leave I need to remind you about my three reasons, my first reason about how it improves your memory, my second reason it makes your travel a lot more fun and my third reason is that it changes your perspective. I hope you enjoyed my speech so now I must leave and don’t have a good day have a great day. Adios amigos!!!!!!!