Have you heard about Little Pebbles?
One of the really special things about our school is our Little Pebbles Club.
When parents come to visit or tour around our school we invite them to bring their son or daughter to Little Pebbles Club. Every Wednesday our new entrant teacher, Mrs Foster, spends the afternoon getting to know our new enrolments.
And the Little Pebbles newbies enjoy getting to know each other. They start together because Jane invites children to sessions for a term before their fifth birthday.
Little Pebbles Club is good for Mums and Dads too. Especially if it is the first time that the family has been involved with our school. Today our Little Pebbles girls came and sat with the whole school in the front courtyard to eat their lunch. It is so rewarding seeing how much the Little Pebbles kids look so confident about being at school. Our students encourage and help whenever they can, inviting the Little Pebbles to join in with games and showing them where everything is.
Mrs Foster enjoys starting the alphabet journey and providing activities for our Little Pebbles kids to do together. Steph really treasures the time she spends talking with Mums and Dads, hearing about the things that her new boys and girls really enjoy playing, drawing and making.
Please spread the word. There are lots of parents looking for a school like ours- they just don't know where to find us. We are always very happy to show people around and to answer any questions that they might have. Choosing the right school is a very important decision - you can help.