The most important relationship we have in Aotearoa is our relationship with tangata whenua.
Many years ago I attended a workshop with Pa Henare Tait who was sharing understandings about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. A question was asked about bi-cultural and multi-cultural. The question was "Why is there so much importance placed on building relationships with Maori when there are so many ethnic groups in New Zealand?" Pa Henare answered that the most important relationship we have is between tangata whenua (people of the land) and tauiwi (people who are not tangata whenua).
Anyone who has migrated to Aotearoa New Zealand from another country accepts that they are tauiwi (non-Maori). Ngai Te Rangi, tangata whenua of this rohe, would like to invite you and your family to this special ceremony...a powhiri ...a formal welcome to Aotearoa New Zealand and the start of a new relationship.
POWHIRI FOR MIGRANTS IN THE BAY OF PLENTY: Multicultural Tauranga in conjunction with Ngāi Te Rangi iwi, the NZ China Friendship Society – Tauranga Branch, and Welcoming Communities warmly invite you to attend the first Pōwhiri for migrants in the Bay of Plenty on Sat, 10 July from 9:30 am – 3pm at Whareroa Marae, 25 Taiaho Place, Mt Maunganui.
The Chief Guest at the event will be Meng Foon, NZ Race Relations Commissioner.
This is a great way to build a relationship with Māori as Tangata Whenua (people of the land). You are encouraged to come in traditional dress and invited to bring a plate of traditional food to share.
Please register through the EventBrite link: