Hero photograph
Photo by Kath Joblin

Everyone has a nomination form in their mailbox.

Kath Joblin —

We are looking for two people to join our School board. You can nominate someone or you can nominate yourself.

What does a board member do?

The school board ensures that the school is developing in the way it should. There are policies for personnel, finances, property, communication, student behaviour, student achievement, curriculum, special character....

Reviewing policies and ensuring they meet our needs is one of the parts of the job. The strategic plan is the another part of the job. 

At the moment we are consulting with groups to find out what people want our students to be, to have and to carry with them when they leave our school. This will form our graduate profile. Information we gather now will also help build our strategic plan.

If you are a person with a big picture approach, with enthusiasm for working with others and you're keen to grow our school then please consider nominating yourself or perhaps you recognize another person who fits this profile?

The PTFA are meeting at 8.15 a.m. this Friday to chat with Natalie Smythe and Paul Cooney from our board. If you are keen then please join us. There are three questions which we will be exploring.                              - what are our dreams, aspirations and vision for our children?

- what values are important?

- what skills and attitudes do children need as they move on to new schools and careers?