Our gardens are a best kept secret.
Raised beds and irrigation systems are two important sustainable aspects of our garden. The other addition is the seedling house where we can grow our plants from seeds collected in the garden at the right time. We will be self sufficient once we have a library of seeds which we can plant throughout the year.
Pipi team does Gardening with Nina every Thursday. In this photo we are looking at the growth of our sunflower seeds we planted 7 days prior.
A week later the children were eating mandarins and they began collecting the seeds and asking if the seeds would grow into a mandarin tree. The students discussed how they would take the seeds home and plant them in their garden at home.
The PIPS programme is supported by many businesses and generous members of the community. Our tutor Nina loves coming to our school - we're her favourite!
Mr Webster spends a lot of time in the garden during the week- he's created a wonderful seed house for all of us to use.
Every class in our school has time in the garden - it's really good for our mindfulness spending time in nature and watching things grow.