Preparing for Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Preparation classes are beginning for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation next week. (Wednesday nights for an hour)
We pray for Anya Anderson, Serena Heijkoop, Zachary de Graaf, Jeremy Leyses, Brooke Murray, Charlie McCarty, Naiara Steedman, Anishka Verma, Brooke Vorwerk, Brylie Warner and Esta Zame who are beginning their weekly lessons.
There are almost 40 children enrolled this year including children from other schools who are wanting to join the programme.
Heidi, our parish worker, has set up small groups of ten students and parents with a catechist in a room - to ensure that covid requirements are met. We want to keep everyone safe while providing a comprehensive programme which really prepares children for this special time in their faith journey.
It is likely that these small groups will be confirmed and will receive their first communion at small family Masses in the middle of the year.
I know there are families thinking of baptizing their children this year- please contact Heidi directly so that she can explain how to go about baptizing children so they can join our faith family.
To contact Heidi ring 5754807 Ext 6 or email Heidi: