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St Thomas More Catholic School

Three weeks to go - and that will be the end of the 2024 year.


The yellow pohutukawa trees are flowering in Arataki park - a sign of a wonderful summer ahead.

by Kath Joblin

The pohutukawa trees which are planted around the edges of Arataki Park are unique- they originate from Motiti island and aren't common to many places outside the Bay of Plenty.

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Miss Aindow has been teaching our seniors how to publish and design in Canva.

by Kath Joblin

Paige Smyth offered to create a poster for our school disco.

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It might be 2 weeks but the days are very busy and time is speeding up.

by Kath Joblin

Take a look at these dates and times for the head-up about end of year events.

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How talent shines through.

by Kath Joblin

Just goes to show that our little school can achieve at the highest levels - confidence and a belief in oneself is part of our school way.

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Funky Fun Day - Papaka team strikes again.

by Kath Joblin

Last week Mrs Foster arranged for her class to attend the Funky Fun Day at Baypark.

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Christine Latu - realtor.

by Kath Joblin

Christine is venturing out into a new profession. She is a brilliant at getting things done.

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From next year...2025

by Kath Joblin

Everyone will need to have a sports shirt as well as their usual uniform.

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