by Kath Joblin
STM School — February 10, 2025
Research has shown that homework is not an effective way of improving student achievement (J. Hattie). Our school has been a homework free zone for many years.
This doesn’t mean that children miss out. In all areas of the school the children are encouraged to take home readers – the Junior school have home readers selected by their teachers and the middle/senior school students have library books which they take home.
In the Middle and Senior School children are encouraged to practise their multiplication times tables, their essential word lists and at times they will be asked to do some research to enhance what they are learning in their class. All Paua students are assigned a google address/device and enabling them to continue distance learning if for some reason the school is closed or unable to provide face to face learning.
Homework should not cause extra stress to family life. It is not a baby sitting tool either. That’s part of the reason why the decision was made to eliminate the compulsory homework component.