Introducing the 2025 team.
Hello, I'm Lisa Broadmore, newly appointed Principal of St Thomas More Catholic School.
I'm so looking forward to leading such a great team.
Jane is the friendly welcome as you come into our school. The children think Jane's last name is Willknow - because we often say ask Jane because Jane will know where that is or what to do.
Mrs Duncan is so excited to have her old classroom back again. Pipi's building was designed especially for children who are beginning school. When we built this classroom the idea was for children to feel familiar with the space just like the one they left behind at kindy. Mrs Duncan has been part of the team for 17 years. She is a very capable experienced junior school teacher. One of the highlights of the week are the Little Pebbles Club sessions which introduce our littlest new entrants to their new school. Mrs Sue Carnachan is co-teaching for Term 1 on Monday to Thursday each week. She will be teaching the older children in the Pipi class from 8.30-12.30 each day, focusing on maths and literacy. Welcome to our staff Mrs Carnachan.
Mrs Foster has a new classroom space and a new class this year, handy to the office, with plenty of space available for drama and art. Kina includes Year 2 and 3 students.
Mrs Foster is enjoying the connection with Kina this year. Steph is stepping into Kina while Miss Fielden takes the year to focus on her new baby.
Mrs Thomas is excited that she has returned to our school after a year of study.
Mrs Thomas is teaching the children of Papaka - Year 4 and 5.
Miss Aindow thoroughly enjoyed her 2024 year in Paua and she's got great plans for her students this year. As a fully registered teacher, working in a Kahui Ako position, Miss Aindow is our lead teacher for high impact teaching practices.
Cath Robson, our teacher assistant, supports teachers by making and sorting resources, teaching groups of children, supervising activities and filing assessments. Cath is very busy and our teachers would not be able to do without her energy and commitment to the school.
We look forward to another fun filled, creative 2025.