Our School board 2025
More about the role of the school board.....
The government allocates funding in quarterly instalments and the Board is responsible for ensuring that the children receive the best education possible. This includes appointing staff, maintaining the property, abiding by the legal acts and laws.
The Board is made up of four parents elected by parents/caregivers, three Bishop’s appointees selected by the Parish Priest and approved by the Bishop, a staff representative and the Principal (CEO).
The Board meetings are held at least twice a term and are usually on the second Tuesday f the month at 6.30 pm in the staffroom at the school. For exact dates please contact Jane at the office as these change to ensure members are able to attend.
These meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend. NZ School Trustees Association (NZSTA) clarifies the role of members of the public attending Board meetings, as follows.
Members of the public are always welcome to come in and sit in on all or part of a board meeting. Board meeting agendas are created by the Board's Presiding member and Principal and are usually quite full.
Meetings usually include a curriculum or learning focus, a Principal’s Report, Finance Report, Policy & Procedure review and a number of other items of business. Anyone wishing to add an item to the agenda, must provide the item in writing to the Board Presiding member (Chair) or Principal at least ten days prior to the scheduled meeting. Whether or not the item will appear on the next meeting’s agenda will depend firstly on whether the item is a governance matter appropriate to be discussed by the Board, or a day to day management issue which is more appropriately dealt with by the Principal. A second consideration is the number of items already on the agenda.
When members of the public attend meetings we have been advised that they do not have speaking rights unless invited to do so by the Board.
Current Board Members
Parent Representative: Natalie Smyth
Parent Representative: Natalie Fleming (Presiding Member)
Parent Representative: Angela Rogers
Parent Representative: Miranda Horan
Principal: Kath Joblin
Staff Representative: Maree Thomas
Bishop’s Appointee: Theresa Surgenor
Bishop’s Appointee: Father Eamon
Bishop’s Appointee: Sue Carnachan
How to contact the Board?
Just email bot@stm.school.nz
See below for School Board documentation.
The user name is stm
and the password is catholic