Parish Team

We thought we'd introduce the people who keep our All Saints by the Sea parish working. If you ever need to contact the parish just call 07 575 4807.

Father Eamon Kennedy is our parish priest.

Jan Baker is our Parish Secretary and a member of the finance committee, in addition Jan is in charge of running the Alpha Marriage course. 

Heidi Nield is one of our pastoral workers. Heidi oversees the Alpha course and the RCIA program. She also co-ordinates the Sacramental programmes - here is the latest information about the first step...becoming a child of God through baptism.

Image by: Kath Joblin


The RCICCA is a journey of initiation that has been designed especially for Children over the age of 8 years that have not been baptized in the Catholic church and are seeking to ‘Become Catholic’. If you have a child that is expressing their interest in being baptized and learning more about Jesus and the church then please contact Heidi at

The next step after baptism is reconciliation (also known as confession) then First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

If you are from an Anglican background and your child has been christened then they don't need to be baptised again - the church recognizes Anglican baptism. Please check with Heidi about this.

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