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St Thomas of Canterbury College

RIEK - 2022

Back Row: Cameron Woodfield, Jaedyn Smith, Fred Cunniffe, Benjamin Harris

2nd Row: Elizabeth Kennedy (Teacher), James Scott, Caleb Robinson, Corbin Le Lievre, Tommy Moriarty, Elliott Price, Masayoshi Kuramitsu

Front Row: Bentley Wilson, Noah Sidebottom, Ethan Bragat, Jett Moon, Blake Hati, Charlie Smith

Absent: Tom O'Connell

by Photolife

RIEK - 2022

Elizabeth Kennedy - December 8, 2022

RIEK- we pray and play!

We’ve enjoyed a busy 2022 including many NRL discussions and toasted sandwiches. In February we welcomed Bentley and Ethan, and then in July we welcomed Jaemin, Peter and Jay – all soon became right at home. 

We farewell James, Tommy and Caleb as they leave STC for exciting future plans. 

In Special Character Week we had a great time competing against other mentoring groups, especially mastering the dart and shooting challenges! The highlight, though, was our fair day spider-making efforts which really paid off with an enormous profit!! Thanks to everyone for a great year, and best wishes to our departing year 13s.