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St Thomas of Canterbury College

Fee Increase 2024

Lynley Gibson - August 24, 2023

Kia ora koutou,

Our school fees are made up of compulsory (attendance dues) and voluntary payments. The voluntary portion is crucial to what we can provide for our students, teachers and the environment they teach and learn in, whether that be inside or outside the classroom. 

To allow for the increased costs of running the school, and to ensure we continue to provide the best teaching and learning experience for our students, the Board resolved to increase the resource and infrastructure contribution by $100 per annum to $850, commencing next year. We remind you the voluntary contributions are tax deductible. We are very mindful of financial pressures the school community faces and have kept the increase as minimal as possible. 

In addition, you may have seen the move to create a Legacy Network at the college to better recognise its past, and to enable students and former students to network together. We see this as important to the growth of the college community. Whilst the Board has committed some initial funding to create this network, in order for it to be firmly established and grow we have created an annual contribution of $40 per annum per student commencing 2024. This is in line with what many other schools have in place. Ultimately the students will benefit from the Legacy Network as they leave school but remain part of our broader college community.

Your Board thanks you for your continued commitment to the college and making it such a vibrant place for our young men. 

Ngā mihi 

Andy Steel 

Presiding Member STC Board