Hero photograph
Photo by Brendan Biggs

STC Legacy Network 2022

Legacy Network —

STC Legacy Network 2022

2022 has been a much quieter year on the Legacy Network front, after the hype of the 60th anniversary celebrations in 2021, and with the implications of Covid firmly in place this year.

We are grateful so many reconnections were made during 2021, as it has allowed many of our Old Boys to continue those connections and friendships during the year, when many events and get togethers weren’t possible.

Events have been thin on the ground this year, with the highlight being our STC Legacy Luncheon held in our newly developed Legacy Hub space on Saturday 6th August, prior to our 1st XV clash against Shirley Boys High School.

It was a great afternoon, filled with the sharing of food and drink, stories and laughter. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't very kind for the rugby - but everyone was grateful to be warm and dry in the STC sponsors tent, as they supported our boys to a win STC – 47 SBHS – 33.

It goes without saying that the sidelines have been filled with Old Boys for the duration of yet another rugby season. The continued support for our rugby teams, especially at home games, is phenomenal, and shows time and time again the meaning of true STC spirit.

We look forward to 2023 being a year of growth for our Legacy Network – keep an eye out for continued progress, we’re aiming to give our Old Boys more opportunities to connect with past and present students in the coming year!