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St Thomas of Canterbury College

McClintock - MCLC by Brendan Biggs

McClintock - MCLC

Brendan Biggs - June 13, 2016

Back row: Tyler Rahurahu, Brayden Drummond, Jordan Cartwright-Figota Middle row: Mrs Lynda Collins, Todd Mayo, Peter Mainwaring, Ben Redmond, Xavier Ngaata, Robbie Pugh Front row: Gevin Panapitiya-Vitharanalage, James McLennan, Mac McCall, William Hendry, Alex Hodgson Absent: Jack Pugh 

MCLC Mentoring group 2015

This year saw the addition of two new boys to our group Gevin in Year 7 and Tyler in year 9.

We had a food focussed year with a few shared lunches and waffles cooked by Mrs C. Anything revolving around food is always a hit with the boys! Next year I am keen for the boys to do their own baking and let us sample their efforts.

For our community service we raised a creditable amount of money from our stall which was a treasure hunt and selling chocolate bars and drinks. The boys learnt the difference between takings and profits when to their dismay they realised we had to pay for the prizes !Next year we plan to think of an activity with lower overheads and more profits – start thinking boys !

We had a varied programme of activities for extended mentoring time throughout the year: from goal setting, using One Note and Office 365, review of reports and progress to study skills and NCEA for the senior students. The boys are always keen to join in with other tutor groups to play games or sport and even played bowls with Mr Biggs ‘s group and the old folk next door. For an end of the year outing the junior boys went out to the movies and lunch to round off the year. We farewell Jordan and Brayden as they leave and wish them all the best for the future. We are very proud to have Xavier as the leader of McClintock house next year !

Lynda Collins