Paul Burton — Mar 31, 2022

Kia ora St Thomas Community

The last few weeks have seen the numbers of Covid-19 in Canterbury begin to peak. It has been a trying time for many, as we have had to isolate or deal with Covid-19 in our whānau. As a College we have been really pleased with how we are coping. Staff continue to be available for all onsite classes and although it has been a real challenge, we have had a high level of normality about our school days.

While not quite out of the woods yet, we are grateful for the role caregivers have provided in supporting the College through these times. We cannot wait to hold more community events in Term 2 where we reconnect and celebrate learning and success with our wider community.

Please see information regarding the recent changes below:

Changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework took effect from 11.59pm on Friday 25 March, and to vaccine mandates and My Vaccine Pass, which will take effect from 11.59pm Monday 4 April. Please be aware of the two differing timelines.

COVID-19 Protection Framework, My Vaccine Pass and vaccination mandates




Noho ora mai

Paul Burton
Assistant Principal
Operations & Sport
St Thomas of Canterbury College