Hero photograph
Photo by Brendan Biggs

JODR - 2023

Daniel Ryan —

Another year gone. 

And what a year it has been. We’ve seen the end of COVID restrictions, teacher strikes, a more unsettled European continent, disaster in the Middle East, and an interesting General Election. But above it all, for the boys in JODR, a great upset has been achieved. For many a year the great form group of JORL has claimed the most coveted of prizes at St Thomas College - “Mentor House of the Year”. But, alas, due to a great performance by the boys from MS7, we have secured an unprecedented victory over the once formidable Lange Clan. So, despite what may be mentioned elsewhere, JODR takes the cake for 2023.

This year we welcomed new students Kobe Glen (year 7), Xavier Harding (year 7), Connor Jackson (year 9), and Joseph Tonks (year 9) to JODR. We also welcomed Keegan Verster into the fold after having spent a year in a previous mentor class.

Many congratulations are due across the board in JODR. In particular, to Connor Jackson and Ben Hine, who showed immense grit and determination throughout the year in their mountain biking pursuits. To James Lodder for his rowing successes at the South Island Secondary School Championships and the Maadi Cup as well as to Keegan Verster, for his victories at the Bishop Lyon’s Debating Competition. Finally, a big congratulations to Kaiden Turner who achieved a big milestone in the life of a teenage boy – the purchase of his very first car!

We also farewell from JODR the following boys: Aidan James (year 12), Lachie Ford (Year 12), Kaiden Turner (year 12), and Jim Burt (year 12). Aidan, Lachie, and Jim have been JODR lads from day one while Kaiden has been with us since year 10. A great group of lads we wish them all the best in year 13 and with what the rest of life brings their way.

To all of you boys leaving (or who have left) us this year – May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, and may the sun shine warm upon your face, and may the rain fall soft upon your fields. Until we meet again, may you be held in the palm of God’s hand.