Hero photograph
Joyce - JOHA
Photo by Brendan Biggs

Joyce - JOHA

Brendan Biggs —

JOHA Report

The JOHA form class is full of unique men, with great talents and responsibilities. The friendship/brotherhood in the class is very strong that we enjoy a bit of banter from each other.

The highlights for this year the boys have enjoyed are the sports and events that they have participated in. From playing in their clubs to school events like swimming sports day, athletics and school fairs. What we did for the school fair was Bacon Butties. We sold quite a bit from $2 each. Good luck to all leaving year 13s including Blake R … we thank you for being a great leader/role model in the group, even though you were a quiet one you still helped us. And finally we would like to thank our Mentor Mr. Hart for supporting Joyce and the rest of the form class we enjoyed the shared lunch and everything else we can’t wait to see you next year.