Hero photograph
Photo by Lynley Gibson

Junior School Update

Hamish Barclay —

During the first two terms, it has been fantastic to see our Years 7-10 students settling in and making connections to school, friends and their classes even with the disruption that has been happening around them.

A big part of our mission is around developing resiliance and the ability to see the bigger picture by leading with our hearts. At each year level we have a vision of what we want our boys to be - both in and out of the class - and we are seeing the fruits of that, but as always it will not be without bumps along the way.

Term 3 is now about getting back into routines around school and work. As always it is a journey to get the boys to manage themselves so they are able to participate and excel in all they do. Make sure to work with them around ensuring they have all the right equipment (including a charged, functioning computer!) and keep up-to-date with what is going on via Teams where you can see all the work they are expected to do. Bi-weeklies are another way to track progress and effort in class.

Next Thursday we have our parent-teacher interviews and this is a great chance to connect with teachers and set goals for the remainder of the year. A reminder that your son's mid-year reports are available via Musac. Book online with the link that has been sent to you.

Across this term, we see a number of events for our juniors to get involved in. These include the Koru and CAIMS games for our year 7/8s, William Pike activities for our Year 9s, including days to complete service in the community and outdoor activities, while our Year 10s will be building up to their run challenge and a grandparents breakfast during the last week.

An exciting term in store and as a community the following whakatauki can serve us well, Waiho I te toipoto, kaua I te toiroa, Let us keep close together, not far apart! Communication is vital for the success of our men so if there is any issue, please contact us so we can make sure this term is a success.

Ngā mihi nui.

Hamish Barclay