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St Thomas of Canterbury College

STC Mentoring video 2020 MASK (Marlow House Stephen Kennedy) by Stephen Kennedy

MASK - Report

Stephen Kennedy - December 9, 2020

The Mighty MASK worked hard and played hard this year. Here are our highlights:

Shirley Baker Special Character Week

Kalib Clarkson The fair and Special Character Week

Quinn Ferris Rugby & Basketball

Jesse Floris Special Character Week

Ben Harrison Winning swimming sports for 11 years straight

Jovarn Jones Special Character Week

Diego Lavin u17 Regional Training Centre camps of NZ Football.

Isaac McLaughlin Swimming sports

Franco Meris Basketball

Alec Newland Rowing

EJ Pacatang Creating new friends at STC

Mark Penol Meeting with friends

Rorie Poff Athletics

Peter Taylor 1st V Basketball

Aiden Van der Merwe Special Character Week

Will Vuleta Special Character Week

We farewell Shirley and Franco and we wish them well in their pursuits.

God bless - Mr Stephen Kennedy