RIMA - report
RIMA - December 9, 2020
2020 – the year that we looked forward to hoping for an uneventful, “normal” year - no earthquakes, no terrorist attack, no lockdown just normal everyday problems like what to have for lunch, is the PE gear clean, are the buses running on time. Yeah right – we all know how that worked out!!!!
The year got off to a good start when we welcomed four new students into RIMA – Murphy Bartle (Year13) from Wellington, Afa Apulu (Year 9) from Sacred Heart and two Year 7 students - Seth van Rooyen from Beckenham and Bailey Le Lievre from Southbrook and West Melton. They have all made a positive contribution to our group.
RIMA and Rice House competed strongly in the Swimming and Athletic Sports and then came Lockdown and we all had to adapt our lives to online classes, Team meetings and bubbles. Despite Covid we managed to stage some of our major House events and were reward for our efforts when Max was presented with the Shield for the winning House of 2020!!!!!
The voices of the students and their impressions of the year:
Bailey Le Lievre I have enjoyed all my classes and teachers and making new friends. I like basketball and touch and really enjoyed the Activities Day in July
Seth van Rooyen This was my first year at St Thomas’ and I have made lots of new friends. I am looking forward to moving into our new house in January and getting a puppy and new kittens.
Lui Avia I have had a good sporting year and was involved in 7/8 Rugby League, playing rugby in the Saturday competition. My sport for this term has been Ultimate Frisbee. A highlight was the Swimming Sports
Bailey Searle This year I enjoyed Mr Riddell’s STEM class and the fun classes at the start of the year. I have made lots of new friends and have enjoyed going skating at the Skate Park.
Ethan Burns I enjoyed playing for the 1stXI in Oamaru and Rangiora. I also enjoyed my new class this year. I enjoyed Special Character Week but my favourite event was the South Island Cricket Tournament playing for Canterbury
Afa Apulu I think St Thomas’ has been a great place to have a first year for High School. I made friends straight away and liked how friendly place was. I started to play a new game, Volleyball, with my friends and now I have joined the Volleyball team. This has been a great year!
Braeden Harris This year has been pretty good for me. I have made many new friends during the year. All my teachers have been really good and I have been taught heaps.
Jesse Varney My best experience was going away on the rugby trip to Blenheim. I have also enjoyed going out in the weekend with my mates and getting to know new people. I don’t enjoy getting up early!
James Evans My highlights at school this year were the Swimming and Athletic Sports at the beginning of the year. I have started to play volleyball on Mondays which I enjoy. I am really enjoying learning how to drive a manual. Lowlight is definitely having to get up early to get to school on time.
Baileigh Harris This has been my first year of NCEA and I have found it quite stressful keeping up with assessment and meeting deadlines. I have really enjoyed Design
Finn Keogan I have enjoyed stepping up to help out in Form and House activities particularly in Special Character week. This was my first proper year of STC Rugby playing for the 2nd XV – we were really pleased to win the Section 2 Competition (beating St Bede’s in the final) and being named the STC team of the year. This has been a good year and I am looking forward to 2021.
Phelix Woods Music has been real interest this year and I am proud of some of the songs I have written. I enjoyed the Countown Coure I went on.
Alex Clarke My highlight of the year was Special Character Week because the boys in the House worked really well together and because of this we won! I didn’t enjoy Lockdown as it was difficult to be productive.
Murphy Bartle I came to St Thomas’ for my Year 13 year and have enjoyed meeting many new people. The Production was a major highlight but also a major lowlight as our performance were limited by our move to Level 2 but we were happy to get to perform before a couple of audiences.
Connor Hibbs I started the year with lots of ideas of what I wanted to achieve in my role as Whanau leader but most of these were ruled out by Covid which is my main disappointment for the year along with losing to St Bede’s by 1 point. Highlights were getting my leadership role, passing Level 3 and making 1st XV the second time. As a leader the Athletics Sports were also a highlight.
Sam Wright Sam had a busy year attending CTC courses as wlil as other vocational experiences, His hard work and positive attitude paid off when he was offered and accepted an apprenticeship and left us in Term 4. We thanks him for his contribution to RIMA over 6 years and wish him every success in the future.
Congratulations to FINN KEOGAN on his appointment as College Captain in 2021. We wish Finn a successful year – we are very proud of you!!