Daniel Kahura — Dec 15, 2021

MADK Article 2021

Although 2021 came with its fair share of covid-19 disruptions, like always, these students were a pleasure to mentor.

We have a real spread within this class from hard working juniors to laid back seniors. They have been a reliable group who are generally on time and ready to embark on whatever activities are planned. One thing I love about this class, is that we’re super ‘competitive’ which made games and ‘mini’ competitions extra fun, but at the same time understood the importance creating a supportive environment and encouraging those who were a little reserved.

A highlight of the year where I felt this was especially demonstrated, was during the House haka/singing competitions. The men from MADK where trailblazers in their own right, when it came to teaching other students the haka they would often step up and lead. Marlow won the haka this year, to which I feel it was a true testament to our boys who made such a presence.

This year we farewell a great group of lads:

Ethan Hill – Our very own Marlow captain, whose talent spreads across multiple disciplines (rowing, cycling, basketball, haka)

Jake Banks – The next Lebron James. Jake not only destroyed it on the court, but proved to be a high achiever in the classroom as well.

Nik Grbavac – An absolute gem to have in class. Nik was someone who was extremely respectful and reliable (I would often lean on Nik to assist with class duties, and he would always deliver)

It has been an absolute pleasure to work with such a good group of boys.

Bring on 2022!