Brian Knopp — Dec 11, 2017

MCBK tutor group 2017

Classroom One Note invaded the sacred space of tutor time this year. Most weeks Mr Knopp diligently posted a page for the lads to half tune into or ignore while they played on their phones. We did manage a few good discussions on topics of life and death significance and had one on one catch-ups from time to time.

We farewell this year Robb Bautista, who will study law at UC. Robb was the Phillipino leader for the school . Another leaver is James Cranefield who is going to a building apprenticeship. James is a great young kiwi bloke who will do well in life. Dane Tumahai had a great academic year and will study at UC and hopefully end up as a journalist. All of these three have ended up just the kind of guy you would like to launch out onto the word from the safe harbour of STC. We are proud of them.

Small highlights occur at the end of each term and at the school fair. The focus is food. We did OK with hot dogs and waffles. Lessons in cleaning up and nutrition will follow.

Our tutor group also presented at assembly on the four touchstones of the Edmund Rice schools.