Josh Lennon — Dec 16, 2021

Dyslexia across the ages

We have all heard this word, often can’t spell it but really what is it about? This article looks at two people one from school in the 70’s and one from now. How has dyslexia changed over the years? What can we do to find new ways to teach and cope with it? Dyslexia … my main aim was to help teachers understand what it is and how they can help kids.

What actually is dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a learning disability in reading and writing which 5-10% of the world have. People with dyslexia can find the simple things hard such as reading at a good pace without mistakes also spelling. With having dyslexia people think that you can outgrow it but there is no way to get rid of the learning disability but there are teaching strategies to use to help with it.

1970’s - being a student in the 70’s was hard because the teachers didn’t know what it was and how to help it. They just thought that the student didn’t want to learn and that they were just being destructive to the class.

2020’s - being a student born in the 2000’s they found it easier because their teachers knew them and what they could do so they knew how to help with it, but they still got picked on in their class because they would be asking them how to spell words also. They never wanted to get called up to speak because they could have said it wrong or something. They like the school they are at because there is learning support where they help with work and a lot of kids at their school.

What can teachers do to help with dyslexia?

They both said that the more the teacher knows the students and their background like where they come from … this means they can teach them the right way without them not wanting them to learn.

By Josh Lennon