A big thank you to our wonderful PFA!
The weekend before last our PFA led by Sarndra Preston made over 750 dozen cheese rolls over two days. An amazing feat achieved by superb organisation and a streamlined production line. As a school we are very thankful for the funds our PFA raises which go towards a variety of needs in the school.
As we work through our building programme we are going to need support equipping and outfitting our new spaces, beginning with the new gymnasium. The attendance dues are fully committed towards paying the loans on new buildings (ie Sion and the gym and admin once built) and the building levy is used to repair and upgrade non-integrated buildings (ie the Edmund Rice Block, Br Dowling Centre). The school contribution helps us afford sports gear and technology infrastructure, for example.
So donations and support of fundraising are critical for enabling us to provide good equipment for your boys. Please support your PFA enthusiastically when they give up their time so generously to benefit your sons.
On another note the turbulent times in the world currently provide rich conversation for you and your sons. Brexit, the Middle East, Isis, Orlando, the Syrian refugee crisis, the death of Moko - all provide critical opportunities to discuss poverty, domestic violence, fundamental extremism, intolerance, inequality and the future with your sons.
Young people can have a direct impact on creating the future ahead of them. Let's make sure our young men grow up kind, compassionate, caring, tolerant, non-violent and hopeful.
Nga mihi
Christine O'Neill