Brendan Biggs — Nov 21, 2016

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not , add what is uniquely your own”

It has been a busy year for our form class. Mid way through the year we said goodbye to Mr Muir as he went to work with Microsoft and Mr Jones jumped in to look after our boys from term 3

Some of the fun activities we did this year:

Some of the Boys highlights included:

Next year is a big year with many of the boys concerned about taking NCEA assessments for the first time and Ash is taking over as the leader of Rice House.

The boys' top tip for anyone new to the STCC family is GET INVOLVED with as many Activities, House , Sports, Cultural and BUY-IN to the school culture as being a St Thomas Man is the thing to aspire to.

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not , add what is uniquely your own”