Cody, Tyler and Sam
by Brendan BiggsNational Trade Academy 2020
Brendan Biggs - October 22, 2020
This year there have been four boys at the National Trade Academy at McLeans Island. This is an institution that works with schools in the Dual Enrolment role as being a place that students go to on a Thursday and Friday of a week and learn all about "things agricultural".
Students involved for 2020: Alex Meates - level 2, Sam Gallagher, Cody Jeffery Butler and Tyler Hodgkinson - all level three.
Level two qualifications cover the skills and knowledge to assist in managing the factors which influence the quantity and quality of pastoral livestock production.
Level three qualifications gained cover the skills and knowledge associated with hazard identification and control in a rural workplace and skills relevant to working in the general agricultural industry such as use of agri vehicles, fencing, personal and workplace safety, agrichemicals as well as cattle farming, dairy farming and sheep farming.
Pathways: New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture