Hero video
Dual Enrolment Whares
Video by Ara

CTC - ARA - SIT - Our boys getting ready to work

CTC Staff —

The Banquet

Year 12 CTC class under the careful guidance of Mrs Heather and Mr Taylor. Thanks too to the parents who joined us. We enjoyed delicious butter chicken, bacon and egg pie, nachos, mac n cheese and great cakes and biscuits. (I'll be on the exercise bike longer than usual this afternoon but it was totally worth it). Great work guys and well done with your CTC studies in hospo, automotive, building and construction. 

Hey parents....if your teenage son isn't cooking tea once a week then ask him what he'd like to cook with you!

The Courses

Our boys are involved in so many employment related courses: automotive, carpentry, cooking, farming, computing through to engineering. They have school three days a week amid aspects of group excursions with Marty and Megan. There is also health and safety, Marty-style guidance, cooking, employment law and work experience. The STC young man is prepared to leave at the end of every year with a "toolbox" of skills from first aid to communication. They are ready with a current CV and bursting to add to a workplace. many employers contact STC and ask for our boys. We do not let them go until they are "cooked" and ready.

This year, with Covid lockdown there was a risk of "it all being too hard" ... but our lads and the great tertiary providers stuck it out and we finished well. Many of our boys are heading off to employment in 2021 and apprenticeships.

Mata Halbert Pere being offered a contract with Tyre General 

Troy has been offered a contract with Blackwell’s Holden 

Cameron Pritchard headed off to Hale Manufacturing

George Doig - Rangiora Carpentry

Alex Meates - Farming and more courses

Sam Wright - Universal Plumbing

Tama Faitotonu - Building 

Many Boys - heading to ARA and SIT continuing their trade related studies.