Johnny Leo'o — Oct 19, 2023

Fakaalofa lahi atu,

Happy Niuen language week, you may have noticed the Niuen flag flying proudly at the front of the school this week. It has a been a few weeks of celebrating cultures notably our Fijian language last week. As a comminuty we were able to come together and celebrate our Fijian community, students, teachers and families which started on Monday with the raising of the Fijian flag. 

The evening was kicked off with a traditional Kava ceremony led by Sai Saukuru and our Fijian students, before attendees were entertained with speeches, distinguished speakers, cultural performances and kai. The evening was concluded with a shared supper of delicous Fijian cuisine which was supplied by our awesome Fijian parents community. 

A special acknowledgement of our year 13 ākonga Maretino Kaloudau and Jokini Rayalu, the emcee’s for the night. Also, to year 9 RJ Tikolevu and Jokini for performing their speeches which won them first and second place at the Spacpac Pasifika speech competition.

Ia manuia, many blessings.