Hero photograph
Photo by Lynley Gibson

Whitiora Centre Ltd - Canterbury

Jackie Redmond —

The purpose of Whitiora is twofold:

  1. Short term: Supporting whānau into employment (surviving the present)
  2. Longer term: Empowering whānau to be self-determining through access to lifelong learning, upskilling and secure employment.

Whitiora serves as a vehicle to connect employers to employees, trainees to providers and create connections that will ultimately increase Māori successes in the workforce. We do this by employing skilled kaimahi who hold inherent mātauranga, who are role models in their whānau and who are examples of being bold, brave, and unapologetically Māori.

Part of that vision is realised through this kaupapa, Whitiora Centre Limited.

Our three pipelines of core mahi are:

  1. Employment (surviving the present),
  2. Training/upskilling (preparing for the future) and
  3. Enterprise (*developing whānau economies). We work alongside whānau to support their goals in whānau rangatiratanga.
