Brendan Biggs — Sep 16, 2016

Celebrating the cultural diversity of our STC men.

International Week has been a great success. 

One of the main objectives of the week is to celebrate the cultural diversity of our STC men. At the International Assembly we had speakers from Japan and the Philippines, who spoke about life in their home countries and the cultural differences between there and here. 

We had a great traditional dance performed by our Filipino cultural group and many students and staff participated in this, which was great to see. We had a staff vs. Internationals basketball game with a big crowd in the hall, and some of the staff still showed they had a few 'ballers' tricks up their sleeves. 

Students also enjoyed a Chinese cultural demonstration of Kung Fu which again saw a large turnout and participation from our student body. It was enjoyable to see our kiwi students mixing with our International ones during the week as they have done all year in numerous sporting and curricular activities. 

Hopefully a sense of understanding was created during the week of what it's like to walk in the shoes of others, and through this the notions of tolerance, unity, and acceptance will surely follow.