Andrew Auimatagi — Feb 23, 2023

Attitude to Learning (Y7-13):

This year your son will receive feedback from his subject teachers on a fortnightly cycle. This will be largely based on your son’s engagement in his learning, supported by comments at different points in the term to provide greater clarity. Please see the key indicators below.

5 – Fully engaged, completing all set work 

4 – Has engaged well and is completing work 

3 – Some engagement, most tasks complete 

2- Little engagement, very little work 

1- Has not engaged with any of the learning 

In term one, the Attitude to Learning reports will be published on the Friday in weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10 and accessible via the caregiver report tab on the Musac Edge parent portal. 

Note* - If your son receives a grade 2 or below you will receive an email from the subject teacher explaining any concern. 

Mid-Year Report (Y7-10):

At the end of term two there will be a summative report with achievement data across all your son’s subjects. There will be supporting information provided at that time to explain the various curriculum levels and strands. 

Please contact your son’s mentor or subject specific teacher if you have any questions or concerns around his progress. 

Ngā Mihi 

Andrew Auimatagi 

Assistant Principal – Curriculum Engagement & Innovation